Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Let the love of Christ show in all that we do.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


It is the responsibility of the Authority to give each child the type of education which can best meet his/her needs.  If your child’s educational or social progress should give cause for concern, you would be invited to school to discuss the situation.  With your consent, a detailed assessment can be made. You would be consulted at each stage of the procedure on how their needs can be met.

Targeted Learning Plans are created to support children where specific targets for learning and support strategies  have been advised by a specialist teacher. These establish clear targets for progression and are reviewed regularly in consultation with parents.

Please find below our School's Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy and other key documents. This section also includes Lancashire County Council's Local Offer.

For further information please contact Mrs Whitaker, our School's SENDCO on (01254) 233382 or via emailing 

 Find out about SEND poster.pdfDownload
 Local Offer September 2022.pdfDownload
 Single Equalities Policy.docDownload
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Does your child include a child or young person with SEND? The SEND Partnership are holding a series of Information Events for families of children and young people with SEND. The next two events will take place during school time and activities for younger children will be available. Further sessions in other Lancashire districts will take place in 2023.


Please click HERE to access the Lancashire SEND Partnership website.