Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Primary School & Nursery

Let the love of Christ show in all that we do.

School Meals


A choice of healthy meals are cooked on the premises and are served with a continuous service. If you wish, your child may bring a packed lunch. No glass bottles, cans or thermos flasks are allowed in school.


All children in KS1 are entitled to free school meals. If your child has school meals they will need to fill out a school meals menu. All food is ordered three weeks prior so what is ticked on the menu will be what your child will be given. If your child would like to start having school meals or would like to stop having school meals we ask that two weeks notice is given so that food can be ordered/cancelled.


School meals are available at a cost of £2.30 per day, £11.50 per week. This should be paid via Parent Pay or sent into school  in a clearly marked envelope with your child’s name, class and amount enclosed.